CAV (Automatic Emptying Tank)


Basic Accessories
Top mouth.
Double effect safety valve.
Lifting lugs.
Pumping over tube with rotating diffuser.
Stainless steel sampling faucet .
Cooling jacket (measure according with the capacity).
Probe tube (probe excluded).
Automatic discharge door (electric – guillotine or tipper).
Level indicator with scale and 3 way stainless steel tap.
Gearmotor and paddles to extract the masses.
Electrical switchboard to control the door
opening and the paddles movement.
Electrical switchboard to pumping over monitorization.
Pumping over pump.
Parcial discharge with stainless steel valve and drain.
Total discharge with stainless steel valve.
Stainless steel support feet

Optional Accessories
Different ø top mouth.
Antifoam entry.
Metering valve for nitrogen adding.
Cleaning system (perforated sphere with a tube until 1,5 mt from the ground).
Cooling crown with water recuperator.
Level gauge.
Electrical switchboard to fermentation temperature monitorization.
Oval door (internal opening).